Comments on: When Good Goes Bad by Ashley TerKeurst Hodges Sadie Robertson Huff Thu, 08 Aug 2024 15:38:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brooke Martinez Tue, 20 Feb 2018 19:49:18 +0000 Thank you for sharing your story. I started praying for you and your siblings when I read your mom’s letter last June. My heart broke for you as I have been in the same situation. I learned about my dad’s affairs 12 years ago. It’s sad that we also experience consequences from our parent’s poor decisions.

By: Alexis Gartman Thu, 15 Feb 2018 03:04:21 +0000 Ashley, thank you for putting your painful story out there. This happened to me as a child at the age of 10. My dad took me to his girlfriends house to eat with her daughter. For nearly a decade I held that secret in from my siblings and my mom because I didn’t want them to divorce. Finally they divorced when I was a senior in high school. I guess God knows I’m really strong. I love your momma, Lysa. I pray for her often! God is amazing and I thank God I have Jesus as my light and I’m living in freedom everyday, thanks to my Highlands family. I will continue to pray for your journey of restoration, healing & congrats on your new blessing! Alexis

By: Lola C Tue, 19 Dec 2017 04:08:04 +0000 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for this post! I can relate to much of your feelings! Praying for you and loved ones.

By: Jane Doe Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:00:01 +0000 I’m so grateful for you mom’s book uninvited and her truthfulness. I found out my Christian husband has been in an affair and loves another this year. I know your pain, shattering me and our three young children. They are still in school and so impressionable. I know denial, anger, and nearly life ending grief, but have held on to God’s promises of Grace, hope and love with the help of good counsel and friends. We are in a daily battle and are encouraged by Christ and those around us. Continue to pray for all affected by this nearly impossible pain and the long road ahead.

By: Kim Adkins Sat, 02 Sep 2017 10:12:02 +0000 Thank you sharing your journey through painful time. We all are in different seasons of life. My first born son just went to college so l am adjusting to new normal. Blessings for my son through my tears of loss. What mixture of happiness for him but sadness for me. Enjoy the times when he comes home and seems so happy and confident. God has blessed me so abundantly.

By: Jennifer Hopkins Fri, 01 Sep 2017 16:14:31 +0000 Thank you so much for sharing this and I feel your pain. About 13 years ago I became aware of my mom having an affair with someone 5 years older then me, so like half her age. At the same time she started to emotionally abuse me (which wasn’t really clear to me until about 3 years ago when the abuse became unbearable and had me in a very dark place) until the affair started she was my best friend. I always felt I could count on her, she always would build me up then in a blink it was all gone. Instead of being my mother she became a monster. I was her DD at age 16-17, I became like a girlfriend to her and she’d share things with me that daughter shouldn’t know about at that age. Then when I found my savior(my husband) and I was finally being happy again she started to get more abusive. When we had our daughter 3 years ago she tore me down to absolutely nothing. Unfortunately I haven’t spoken to her in 3 years, my daughter will probably never met her again and my son will never get to spend time with her again because she is a very negative and hateful person. With all that on my plate I had a really hard time being the mom and wife I wanted to be. I even had my husband tell me once about 18 months ago " I just want to see that smile again that I haven’t seen in months, I want my wife back" That was a huge slap in the face. It told me I was letting her still control me and letting what happen take over, which isn’t how it should’ve been. I started searching for ways to heal from it all and thankfully I can say that I’ve found ways to work through all the damage on my own with help from friends and family listening but also turning to the bible. I feel like God led me to a website called Luke 143 ministries that focuses on healing from emotionally abusive parents. Its taken awhile but it’s done wonders for me. I’ve found so much healing with in the bible and it’s helped me get over the guilt of cutting her out of my life. There’s so many passages that helped me realize that I can forgive her but that doesn’t mean she needs to be back in my life. If it wasn’t for my faith, my family and my rock(my husband) I don’t think I would’ve been able to heal and become the person I am now. From all of this I’ve become stronger and a fighter. You’ll get through this girly, just like I got through it all. It’ll take time but eventually you’ll be able to look at that pain and see that it turned into strength and wisdom. May God bless you and be with you through this hard time.

By: Sandy Cike Fri, 25 Aug 2017 14:12:38 +0000 You are wise beyond your years. My family went through a similar situation with my parents divorcing 27 years ago. I was 26 at the time. It took me 20+ years to realize I didn’t trust my husband, even though he never gave me any reason not to trust him. But because I was "protecting my heart" against potential hurt, I wasn’t able to give his all of me. I also thought that if I just prayed hard enough my dad would see the errors of his ways and come back to the Lord. But that still hasn’t happened. The Lord showed me that it is not my burden to save him. He has to make his own decisions and it’s not my fault if my prayers aren’t answered the way I think they should be answered. Satan wants to steal, kill, and destroy our families but Jesus has come that we might have abundant lives!

By: Suliana Manuofetoa Fri, 25 Aug 2017 11:16:16 +0000 Wow Ashley this is amazing! Thankyou for pouring your heart& spirit out to bless your sisters in Christ who are suffering in pain& trials&tribulations. Reading your blog made me ball my eyes out because it reminded me of my pain that I’ve tried to bury right beneath my heart& forget about it. I suppressed my pain because I thought it’s better to forget the past and move on, look forward to a better future but I guess your post has made me realise that I need to talk& let it out. God is my father, my strength& refuge during these times & I never complained because I know that just like Job my suffering is temporary, this life is temporary & I look forward to my life in eternity because these trials are a blessing in disguise. God has greater plans for me. However, I’m lacking support from family,friends& church because I don’t tell my story. Thanks for making me recognise not only do I need God but I also need a close support system. You are a blessing! Praying God continues to bless you& your family, praying for healing, forgiveness & love. May your faith filled life continue to flourish & may your love touch everyone you meet❤️ James 1:2-3??

By: Danielle Wingate Fri, 25 Aug 2017 05:35:32 +0000 So great and thank you for being honest, courageous and vulnerable to share. I absolutely love & admire your perspective on being trusted with pain.

I’m so sorry you guys are all walking through this. Standing with you in prayer, why Satan has meant for evil, let God use for good and His glory!

By: Natalie Bryan Fri, 25 Aug 2017 01:25:06 +0000 Im so sharing this with my girls. What perfect timing. I have been walking the same road as your mother for about the same time. Very simular circumstances. And to hear from the daughter helps me see just a little bit of what they have to walk out. They love their daddy and yet still feel very hurt. Lots of attention has gone into our marriage, as it should, but it is time for my girls to be able to really deal and heal. My oldest actually discovered the affair, but it was explained away at the time. She is so hurt and feels bad for feeling hurt.
I pray for your family often!
