The post Dare to Dream first appeared on Live Original.
]]>Sometimes we stay stuck for far too long in situations just hoping for change. But sometimes, in order to have hope through the trials, it requires doing.
My family and I were struggling financially for years. As a mom of six, when my husband was injured at work and unable to work or care for himself, I had no choice but to quit my job and care for him and our children. God deepened and cultivated my faith during
this season of lack like no other. Our hard seasons aren’t wasted, and there are circumstances outside of our control. But sometimes God is calling us to step out in faithful obedience, in the midst of our suffering, to partner with Him to change our circumstances. Life is like a multiple choice test. I had to bubble in my desired outcome. Once I determined what “out” looked like for me – what I wanted to get out of this life – then, and only then, could I persevere.
When you’re in the thick of things, it can feel like you’re a turtle stampeding through peanut butter. In other words, you’re going nowhere fast. I’ve been in that place. I won’t tell you that it will be easy, but I can say it will be worth it to take steps of faith, knowing you’re already secure in Christ.
When you feel God stirring you toward a dream in the midst of a season of suffering, that can feel scary. You’re accustomed to things not working out. You’re fearful of trying anything because you have a pessimistic view of what God can do – and perhaps even a pessimistic view of how God sees you.
But, God doesn’t shame us like that. I encourage you to get into the word and begin to repeat back and request the promises that were made to you by your Heavenly Father. He loves you and cherishes you, and He works all things out for the good of those who love Him. As children we hold our parents to the promises they make. We trust them with our well-being. Matthew 7:11 reminds us that “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”
God is not holding out on good things for you. Furthermore, God is no respecter of persons. Just because someone is in a season of reaping a harvest and you are in a season of suffering, doesn’t mean he’s showing them favor over you. And we are free to ask Him for the same things.
Finding the fortitude to dream and hope can be challenging when life feels hopeless, but it’s important to remember that hope and dreams can often serve as guiding lights during difficult times. These are some of the strategies that have helped me muster the strength to dream and to hope in the hardest times.
Embrace Your Emotions.
It is normal to feel overwhelmed, discouraged, or hopeless at times. Allow yourself to acknowledge and accept how you are feeling. Recognizing your emotions is the first step to working through them.
Seek support.
Reach out to your parents, friends and even neighbors and get intentional about building a support system. Sharing your feelings with others will provide comfort, encouragement and fresh perspectives. I believe that talking to a professional counselor or therapist is a helpful way to navigate emotional experiences. But having a solid community around you in your day-to-day life will spur fortitude and faith to face challenges.
Become Action Oriented
With your faith in front and courage carrying you, you can gather the stamina to become action oriented. Taking action when you are your greatest antagonist requires a plan and razor focus. My encouragement to you is to set small, achievable goals based on what God is stirring in your heart. I started my business by baking cupcakes for my neighbor. I did not know that this would lead to something much bigger, like opening multiple bakeries. I was simply focused on the task at hand. I broke down my big dreams into smaller, more manageable goals. Achieving these small victories provided a sense of progress and hope. I celebrated each milestone along the way, no matter how small.
Surround Yourself With Inspiration.
Engage with sources of inspiration that resonate with you and light you up, such as reading books about entrepreneurship and success, watching movies and television shows about people who are in the position you aspire to be in, worship music or even following people who have overcome adversity and achieved their dreams. Their stories will ignite hope and inspiration in you, which can translate into your own life.
ALWAYS expresses gratitude.
I have developed the habit of being thankful by focusing on the positive. Even when my life was falling apart, I found it rewarding to be grateful for something, no matter how small. Gratitude changes your perspective and helps you find hope in even the tiniest ways. Small wins beat huge losses in any situation. Keep what I call a “notice notes” journal. Write down the little lessons or moments of gratitude you encounter in a day. That’s just one way to calculate the wins God gives you each day. The word says (I am paraphrasing here to make it more attainable) if in all our ways we would acknowledge God, He would be our GPS (global positioning system – my own paraphrase.
Rest Is Required
Suffering is exhausting, and just like with our work, rest is required. Even God rested and reflected on His creation. He was able to see his work for what it truly was, and He called it very good. Following God’s regimen of rest can look a lot like self-care. Prioritize your well-being. Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as exercise, spending time with family, spending time with God or meditation all count as rest. In fact, some of my best rest is pulling up to my house after a long day’s work,
sitting in silence, calling a friend and laughing about what matters most to me before heading inside to take on my motherly duties. Taking care of yourself physically and mentally fosters hope.
Speak What You Seek Until You See What You’ve Said
Your words have power to build or destroy. You get to be the architect or the disrupter. Take time to imagine and visualize your dreams and goals. Create a mental image of what you want to achieve and how it would feel to accomplish it. Visualizing success can inspire and motivate you to persevere through challenging times, and talking about that will be encouraging for you and those around you. Remember, finding hope and dreaming during difficult times is a personal journey. It may take time. Be patient and kind to yourself throughout the process. Your setbacks and obstacles can provide valuable lessons, opportunities for growth and intimacy with God. Embrace the journey, trusting that each step brings you closer to God.That, my friend is called perseverance becoming mature. Your dreams won’t warn you when they are coming. That sound you hear in your heart? That’s called opportunity, and it’s knocking!
Mignon François is a #1 national best-selling author, entrepreneur and renowned baker who has inspired millions on her journey of going from drowning in debt to building a multi-million dollar cupcake empire – The Cupcake Collection. She leveraged her $5 to feed her family and turned it into a legacy with over five million cupcakes sold. Her grassroots story of success has garnered national attention from TODAY with Hoda and Jenna, Southern Living, Entrepreneur and Business Insider to name a few. She is the author of Made from Scratch: Finding Success Without a Recipe, where shares her story of finding success with no presets in place. Mignon is a sought-after speaker and is committed to equipping and empowering people to change the trajectory of their lives with God as their guide. You can connect with her on Instagram at @mignon.francois or visit her at The Cupcake Collection in Nashville.
The post Dare to Dream first appeared on Live Original.